“The Menagerie” new works by Lauren Comito


Baggage (installation detail), 2014, digital prints on fabric and thread

“The Menagerie” June 13-July 13, 2014

Opening Reception, Friday, June 13, 7-9 PM

Slag Gallery is pleased to present “The Menagerie” featuring new works by Lauren Comito.

Mining from mediums of mass culture like Google image search, Comito’s work explores the implications of several genres of art making. The work brilliantly succeeds in establishing a constant, resonant voice throughout the exhibition. Working with the limitations and possibilities of new media, Comito renders answers that are both creative and critical, her entire oeuvre conveying a unique sensibility.

All of the images that make up the work featured in this show were retrieved from the Google image search of the phrase no comment. This search was conducted several times over the last three years. The term was chosen for its blanketing ambiguity as well as for the concrete variations attained in the resulting search.

“In my studio I engage with multiple projects that may have divergent trajectories. Shifts in perception and the way in which we navigate through ‘space’ occur frequently. I cannot choose a fixed position but rather attempt to locate temporary placements. I produce work that is reactionary and in correspondence to a sensibility to control. I am interested in exploring notions of image construction, as seen in both painting and common digital processes. My work utilizes a combination of procedures that alternate between digital processes and physical/material manipulations. Reformatting and mechanisms of cropping, duplicating, scaling and saturating are simple devices that create a shift in perspective and urgency.”

Comito received her MFA from Rhode Island School of Design, 2013 and her BFA from Tyler School of Art at Temple University, Elkins Park, PA, 2007. This is her second solo show in New York. Her works are featured regularly in group shows in the US and are a part of numerous private and public collections around the globe.

For press inquiries and reproductions, contact Irina Protopopescu at 917.977.1848.

For general inquiries, contact the gallery at 212.967.9818, or visit www.slaggallery.com

Slag Gallery

56 Bogart Street, Ground Floor, Brooklyn NY 11206


THURSDAY – SUNDAY, 1 pm-6 pm



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